Sins of a Solar Empire Max Capital Ship Level Easy

Adeptus Mechanicus Escorts
Forge Vanguard

Sword Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.6 KM long, 0.3 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 5 g

Defences: Double-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 1 double-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), 8 plasma-based sub-macro cannons (4 per broadside)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, Missile Banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: The Sword Class is one of the oldest Imperial ship design still in service, dating back to the Age of Strife, its design refined to a very fine level: being battle tested across many millennia and an uncountable number of battles. The Adeptus Mechanicus particularly values this aged and very dependable design, and have made refinements and rediscoveries to improve the potency of the Sword Class. Its power supply, and superior understanding and reverence of the motive force by tech priests, permitting the craft to carry more potent weapons and perform faster and more agile manoeuvres in battle.

In terms of firepower, different forge worlds may choose slightly different armaments, but the most commonly accepted to be closest to what the Omnissiah intended is the addition of plasma-based weapon batteries. While small for space-borne weaponry, they are ferociously powerful. The weapons firing blue-white beams of glowing hot plasma, ripping through any shielding or armour known to man with ease. Unfortunately, such weapons are complicated to produce and repair, while also producing vast amounts of heat, meaning many minor forgeworlds have begun changing over to the more reliable and easily produced laser based weapons primarily fitted to common Imperial Patterns of the Sword. But the most dogmatic and blessed of forge worlds continue to produce the more potent weapon systems.

The Sword also receives superior cogitators for its weapon systems, allowing for greater accuracy and superior defence against ordnance. However, these improvements come at a cost, as the sword is not nearly as common in Adeptus Mechanicus service as it is in Imperial Navy service. Many now fearing that this design of the tried and true sword class may be lost in the mists of history, a truly tragic thought to any who value the machine gods many creations.

The Sword's primary function is to defend forge worlds and exploratory fleets as well as act as one of very few vessels capable of performing advanced reconnaissance. Although the Sword is capable of performing any number of other secondary functions with relatively little coaxing of its machine spirits. It's efficiency in destroying opponents in battle and its versatility of function making it a primary component of Adeptus Mechanicus void-borne operations.

Gladius Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.8 KM long, 0.5 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, Usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 5.4 g

Defences: Faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 2 double-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), 10 plasma-based sub-macro cannons (5 per broadside)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: The Gladius is a most blessed design and holds the honour of serving both the mechanics and the Space Marines primarily, as it is a successor to the ever-reliable Sword Class Frigate.

The Gladius was developed in the closing years of the Great Crusade, an attempt by the then-Mechanicum to improve on the venerable Sword Class Frigate with a more powerful warship to fill the defensive escort role. The Gladius being larger, having much thicker armour, and a more impressive array of weapons. She even featured an engine system which increased her max sustained acceleration by approximately 20% over standard Imperial Sword patterns.
All these factors making the vessel far superior to the much older Sword design. However, the main fault with the frigate was also the reason it never saw widespread use with the Imperial Navy later in its history: it required more time and resources to construct. The Imperial Navy saw much more use in frigates that could be produced in great numbers than better quality frigates, and so demand in the navy for them was generally low. But for the space marines they were valuable system defence craft and skirmish vessels, and for the Adeptus Mechanicus they perfectly fit established naval doctrine.

Some forgeworlds prefer to use the older sword class for their escort needs, and others modify the Galdius to have the weaker but more reliably maintained laser-based weapon systems. But most forgeworlds typically have at least a couple in their arsenal, ready to assault attackers or to act as defence for far-flung explorer fleets.

Firestorm Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.8 KM long, 0.3 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 4.8 g

Defences: Double-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 1 double-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), 4 plasma-based sub-macro cannons (2 per broadside), 1 Light Lance (prow mounted)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: Firestorm Class is a proposed modification of the Sword Class made by the Gareox 'Young School' fleet lords in M35, the prototypes and initial production quotas overseen by Forgeworld Ryza after approval by Mars. Much of the Firestorm remains unchanged from the Sword Class in appearance and interior, by the decree of Mars, although there is one major difference: her armament.
The Firestorm has fewer broadside weapons batteries, and less powerful engines, but that excess power goes into supporting a Prow-mounted lance. This Lance is deadly to other escorts: having the accuracy to hit them even while manoeuvring and the power to overwhelm their thin shielding and flimsy armour and cause massive damage to their systems. The Lance also has double the range of the more conventional weapon batteries found on the Sword Class, the Firestorm's firepower is also enough to present a devastating threat to fleeing and damaged capital ships: a pack Firestorms able to quickly close the distance and volley-fire Lance bolts into the stricken adversary.

These vessels are seen less often in Adeptus Mechancus fleets than in the Imperial Navy. Despite approval by Mars, many of the more orthodox magi in the cult mechanicus who are suspicious that the changes made to the sword class stray from the Omnissiah's original intentions and pervert the machines spirits within. A belief seemingly ratified by the Firestorm having a darker side: being a personal favourite among many pirates, the machine spirits so readily turning on their masters in pursuits of greed and desire. Despite this, many forgeworlds: forgeworlds Stygies VIII, Ryza and Mezoa most notable; deploy vast swarms of these vessels despite concerns over the machine spirit of such vessels. Ryza and Mezoa having an affinity for energy weapons, and Sygies finding the lance weaponry useful for combating their most common prey which typically consist of various xenos species. In any case, its approval by Mars remains controversial.

Nova Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.9 KM long, 0.5 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually largely automated

Max Acceleration: 5.4 g

Defences: Faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 1 double-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), 6 plasma-based sub-macro cannons (3 per broadside), 1 Light Lance (prow mounted)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: The Nova is the aggressive cousin of the defensive Gladius Frigate. While the Gladius is a common and widely accepted ship by the Space Marines and wider Imperium, the Nova is much more rare and highly controversial in nature. Perhaps one of the most controversial of Mars' creations. It is the only vessel the Space Marines use that is equipped with a lance weapon, a violation of agreements made between the space marines and the Imperial Navy. Although it is a relatively small vessel with fewer overall weapons than the Gladius and a small crew, the Imperial Navy takes great issue with the ships existence, although does not seem to care when fielded by the fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Nova is supposed to be a light attack vessel, patrolling and surveying the domains of some of the larger Space Marine Chapters to seek out adversaries and swiftly dispatch them with its Light lance to avoid the deployment of more Marines than is absolutely necessary and ensure battles are ended quickly and cleanly with minimal losses. This also making the Nova a useful addition for Mechancus fleet formations. However, the Space Marine fleet is not meant to possess any lance weapons, as the primary fleet of the Imperium should have a monopoly on the weapon systems. Although Mars approved the design, who allowed its adoption by the space marines is not clear, and the cause of ferocious debate within the mechancus for who is to blame for the lapse in judgement. The forgeworlds operating within the sphere of influence of the various space marine chapters, the various space marine chapter masters or Mars itself. The ship is however tolerated by the Imperial Navy due to its good performance in battle and relatively low threat level. The Nova being easily overpowered by larger warships.

The Nova as a warship is ultimately a Firestorm, but more powerful in every respect. With superior speed, armour protection and firepower. Although, due to the politics surrounding the vessels, very few exist and are used only in very small numbers by a select few forgeworlds who deem efficiency of function to be the highest form of praise. Forgeworld Metalica being the most prominent of these forgeworlds, using the Nova as a skirmish vessel and vanguard/scout for explorer fleets.

Cobra Class Destroyer (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.5 KM long, 3 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 7 g

Defences: singular-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 4 light torpedo launch tubes (prow mounted), 1 single-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), variable number of laser or plasma based weapon batteries

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (broadside, belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: In the competition for most numerous warship in the Imperium, the Cobra is a serious contender, roving swarms of the destroyers being found in service with every fleet in the Imperium and unfortuantely with pirates.
The cobra class is designed around being a fast torpedo boat: which make a squadron of these dangerous warships a lethal threat to even the largest capital ships. Although, to better suit Mechanicus fleet doctrine, the Cobras in use with forge worlds have their motive force redistributed to sacrifice some of its speed in exchange for a far more powerful array of weapon batteries. These typically consisting of at least one plasma based weapon mounted in a dorsal turret, and a variable number of other normally energy based weapon systems situated around the ship, normally on broadsides or an additional dorsal turret. Different forge worlds seeing a slightly different vision of how the cobra should perform, resulting in an extremely wide diversity of patterns and sub-patterns for the ship.

In Imperial Navy service the Cobra Class is however extremely weak for attacking other escorts, her three tiny weapons batteries being simply too small to do any real damage and too short range to contest the laser-based weapons batteries, making the Cobra purely a torpedo boat with batteries for self-defence. This done to conserve remeasures, as Imperial Navy doctrine typically results in high attrition rates for escorts, making more sophisticated weapon systems a wasted effort.

A variant known as the Viper Class exists that has another set of torpedo launchers, and a variant known as the Widow Maker trades its dorsal sub-macro cannon for more powerful augur arrays. Both developed by Forgeworld Ryza, with varying degree of approval or acceptance from other forgeworlds, and innumerable sub-variants produced of each of these variants by many major and minor forgeworlds.

Hunter Class Destroyer (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.6 KM long, 0.3 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 4.5 g

Defences: Double-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 1 double-barrelled Plamsa-based sub-macro turret (dorsal/prow mounted), 8 Plasma-based sub-macro cannons (4 per broadside)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: The Hunter is a development made at the request of the Dark Angels to emulate the success of the Cobra Class Destroyer used in vast numbers by the Imperial Navy. It is also used by its parent forgeworlds, as the Hunter fulfils a useful roll that is normally exclusively fulfilled by the Cobra and its innumerable variants.

The ship, is larger than the Cobra it is based on, and features an overall superior ship-to-ship combat capability compared to most variants of the Cobra, being more comparable to the Sword Class in Adeptus Mechancus service, thanks to its large number of plasma-based weapon and vastly improved armour protection over the Cobra. This means the Hunter is actually capable of fighting off most escorts in single combat very easily, performing like a Sword and still possess the torpedo armament and speed to pull of deadly torpedo runs on enemy capital ships. The Hunter's success was such that it has since seen adoption outside of the Dark Angles chapter fleet, and now sees extensive use with a long list of Space Marine Chapters, now the second most common space marine vessel behind the well known Gladius Frigate. A similar story being true for the various forgeworlds, those still capable of producing the plasma based weapon systems rewarded with on of the most potent escort designs found anywhere in the Imperium.

Tempest Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 2.1 KM long, 0.4 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 5.2 g

Defences: Tripple-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 3 double-barrelled plasma-based sub-macro turret (dorsal and dorsal/prow mounted), 8 Melta-pulsar cannons (4 per broadside)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters, 4 Shark Assault boats

Lore: Tempest is a strange escort in a few way. For one she is huge, about a third larger than the Sword Class, and has prow Armor that wouldn't be out of place on a light cruiser: being triple-armoured and heavily reinforced for an escort. The vessel is armed with a battery of short range melta pulsar Weapon Batteries on each side of the ship, as well as three of the of the finest patterns of plasma-based Weapon batteries mounted dorsally in turrets. She is also unique among escorts for having limited carrier capacity in the form of a single squadron of assault boats, as well as boarding equipment and a full complement of Classiarii. A rare variant of Skitarii with the specific function of performing boarding actions.

Both Lucious and Ryza claim to be the original designer for this class of warship, a cause for tension between the magi of the two forges, created at the request of the fleet lords of battlefleet Calixis and as a proof of concept that an escort's machine spirits could be compelled to perform the roll of an assault vessel.
The idea was that the weaker weapons normally found on pirate vessels (like on the Iconoclast-Class Destroyer and, to a lesser extent, the Havoc Class Frigate) would be unable to kill the frigate due to her heavier Armour, and unable to shake off the ship in a straight line, firing the dorsal plasma batteries while in pursuit. Then the ship could be left crippled burning after a single broadside form the melta pulsars or, if the cargo was sufficiently large or important, board the criminal ship and retake any cargo that may have been stolen.

This ship proved so effective in this role that the ship began seeing use against large threats to the Imperium. Although the ship was mostly useless in defensive operations, due to her incredibly short range and poor broadside and rear Armour, she proved very deadly in any offence. Able to close the distance quickly and do heavy damage, even to ship many times her size, with a mix of boarding actions and Melta pulsar bolts.

There is concern both on Mars and in the more dogmatically orthodox circles of the Mechanicus that such a reckless design puts the machine spirit at a greater rick to succumbing to violent bloodlust and turning from the light of the omnissiah, although this theory does not appear to have come to fruition in the relatively short-time service of the Tempest. At least not yet.

Falchion Class Frigate (Ad-Mech Patterns)


Size: 1.4 KM long, 0.3 KM abeam at the wings

Crew: Varies, usually mostly automated

Max Acceleration: 5.2 g

Defences: Single-armoured adamantium prow, faramite-alloy armour plating, 1 Escort class Void shield.

Standard Main Armament: 2 light torpedo launch tubes (prow mounted), 18 auto-loading Sub-Macro mass driver cannons (9 per broadside)

Standard secondary Armament: Turbo lasers, missile banks and Icarus Arrays (belly and spine mounted, undetermined numbers)

Auxiliary craft: 2 Arvus lighters

Lore: Falchion Class is a warship designed as a smaller and lighter version of the Endeavour-series Light Cruisers, first proposed by Forge World Voss to conserve resources and increase the number of escorts in service with battle fleets and the forgeworlds of the Mechancius. As the right-hand of Mars, and a typically very well-trusted forgeworld, the design was quickly approved and trials proceeded with few faults. However a heretical techpreist, who's name and identity have been thoroughly scrubbed from all records, stole the initial design and presented it to the most despised arch-enemy. The now-perverted design identified as the Infidel Class frigate, first seen in M40, but a blessed and heavily modified design of the Falchion would be see production and service from M41 onward.

The Falchion's heavy armament of broadside weapon batteries and a pair of torpedo launchers allow the Falchion to engage both other escorts and larger vessels with a degree of versatility that other frigates and destroyers can't match: the large number of sub-macro weapons making short work of escorts weapons and the torpedoes able to do significant damage to larger ships, making this frigate a sort of hybrid between a destroyer and a frigate.

The class's relatively young age does mean that many in both the Imperial Navy and the Mechancus question its effectiveness, but the craft has thus far proven itself to be at least a partially competent design. Like all Voss designs, being a very innovative hybrid of existing Imperial Navy designs.

When compared to the more common sword class, the Falchion is better armed for dealing with a variety of targets, but significantly less well armoured, although the Falchion does have more slightly more powerful engines. The class tends to perform better in defensive roles and can be surprisingly effective in the hands of a skilled captain, its blistering rate of fire with its auto-loading systems in Mechanicus patterns serving to further push its supremacy in firepower.

The Falcions Machine spirit seeming to show a special ferocious dogma for combat against chaos vessels, as if it is aware of the injustice levelled against it during its conception. The Falchion Class demonstrating this with its role in defending against the Chaos invasion of Abumbria in M41, a pair of the vessels being pitted against a small invasion fleet of a dozen vessels: 10 escorts (mostly the Falchion 'sister class' Infidel frigates) and a pair of harbinger light cruisers. The Falchions made a good showing of their capabilities, despite being inferior patterns. As they were able to use their high speed to evade the chaos fleet's initial assault and, although unable to stop the initial landing, strike back with torpedoes and cripple one of the light cruisers. In a running battle lasting several weeks the two were able to destroy the light cruiser and several of the chaos escorts before finally being able to assist in the valiant defence of Imperial ground Forces on the Planet. The righteous fury of those two Falcions proving to be the better of the twisted and heretic constructions of chaos.


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